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Auditory Processing Disorder: Strategies for the Classroom

Karen Lee

This is a helpful checklist if you're a teacher working with APD in the classroom. Classroom Environment:

  • Preferential seating

  • Within 2m of teacher (unless wearing remote microphone hearing aids)

  • Seated away from auditory distractions such as doorways or air conditioners

  • Communication:
    • Gain students attention before speaking

  • Face student when speaking

  • Limit distracting noises where possible

    • Use clear speech with student

  • Use a slightly reduced rate

  • Use slightly increased volume

  • Emphasise key words

  • Pause often

  • Repeat or rephrase as needed to ensure message has been understood

    • When giving instructions:

  • Give written as well as verbal instructions for home and class work

  • Give clear and specific instructions without using too many words

  • Link verbal instructions to visual cues to help the student remember

    • Avoid multi-tasking (e.g writing while listening)

    • Use a buddy who can then confirm what has been said

    • Be aware that students who struggle to process information tend to fatigue more easily

  • Consider having breaks in listening

  • Consider the time of day when presenting auditory tasks

    • Give adequate response time

  • Allow the student time to work out the answer. For example, let the student know that you are coming back to them for an answer and ask someone else a question before coming back to them.

    • Allow extended time to complete tasks More time is needed to comprehend

    Self Advocacy:
    • Encourage the student to self-monitor the listening environment and identify any problems


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